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Frequently Asked Questions

Do you offer ear syringing instead? 

The recommended method of removing wax is by microsuction. However, at ShawScope we like to give our customers a choice. We will always recommend micosuction, however, if discussed we can provide the ear syringing (using water). Using the ear syringing method enhances the risk of damage in your ears and eardrum due to the poor visibility of the procedure. It also enhances the risk of infection. However, many patients still prefer this risk and method. Just ask on your appointment day (p.s get a towel ready) 

How much is the travel fee?

If you live within 10miles from Dorchester there is no travel free.

Areas further than 10 miles are charged at £1.20 per mile.

For example, if you live in Bridport, 14 miles from Dorchester. 
14 miles - 10 free miles = 4 miles chargeable 
4 miles x 1.20 = £4.80 Travel Fee 

Still Unsure? Contact us below.

How long does it take? 

Please allow up to 60 minutes for your home visit appointment, 

The treatment cost is the same whether the treatment takes up a percentage of your appointment time or requires the full allocated time. 

Is there an age restriction?

It is important to note that Microsuction is a delicate procedure that requires precision and expertise. It is not recommended for children under the age of 16, unless carried out by an ENT specialist in hospital. If you or your child is experiencing earwax buildup or other ear-related issues, it is best to consult with a GP before attempting any form of ear cleaning or treatment.

How can I book an appointment?

There multiple ways you can make a booking. By visiting our Online booking pages, you can see our availability and directly book, no deposit required.

Alternatively you can send us an email and we will do our best to find what suits you most.

How do I cancel my appointment?

We're sorry you want to cancel you appointment.

We would love to know why and if there's anything we could improve to keep you.

However, all we ask is you give us at least 24 hours notice. This ideally needs to be via email, just 

click here to email us. Alternatively click here to view your upcoming home visit appointment details. 

How can I pay for the treatment? 

We accept payment by cash, card, or online invoice.

Please make the full payment prior or on the day of your treatment.

Please note, we do not have change if paying cash. 

What does earwax removal sound like?
During the procedure you may feel a gentle pulling sensation as the wax is removed. Alongside the sound of the suction itself you are likely to hear crackling and squeaking noises as the suction attaches to the wax. Click the play button below to listen to an example of what it may sound like inside your ears.

Are there any drawbacks of ear microsuction?
The patient needs to keep his or her head still during the procedure because sudden movements can lead to accidental injury. In some instances, patients can feel slightly dizzy but this condition doesn’t last long. There may be some discomfort for those who have an existing ear infection at the time.

How often do I need ear microsuction?
Many people choose to have an ear microsuction procedure on a regular basis to keep their ears cleaned, although the regularity always depends on the individual needs of the patient.

Some choose to undergo microsuction every three - six months  while others may do so once a year.

As always, it will be up to the patient to decide, but ShawScope will always be happy to offer advice.

Does ear microsuction hurt?
In general the procedure isn’t painful at all, although it can be somewhat noisy. The skin inside the ear canal is sensitive so it’s important to stay still when asked to do so. 

I've had ear problems and surgery on my ears in the past, is microsuction appropriate for me?
Absolutely. Irrigation removal of wax (syringing) in ears which have had previous problems is contraindicated. Because microsuction is conducted using our eyes we can always see what we are doing and no water is introduced into the ear canal so this is considered far safer.

What does Ear suctioning feel like?
Microsuction should be painless and completed in a few minutes. Some people report feeling a slight tickling sensation. If you have any discomfort during the procedure, you should let me know right away.

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