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Cryotherapy, a cutting-edge treatment offered by ShawScope, presents a modern solution for addressing various skin lesions including skin tags, moles, and warts. Utilising an advanced pen device, this technique employs freezing temperatures to target and eliminate these unwanted skin imperfections. Join us as we delve into the world of cryotherapy and explore the benefits, process, and considerations associated with this innovative treatment.


Understanding Cryotherapy

Cryotherapy, also known as cryosurgery or cryoablation, is a medical procedure that involves freezing tissue to eliminate abnormal or unwanted cells. It has gained popularity as a minimally invasive option for treating a range of skin conditions. ShawScope's cryotherapy treatment harnesses the power of extreme cold to specifically target and destroy skin lesions, leaving healthy tissue unaffected.


The ShawScope Approach

At ShawScope, we offer a specialised pen device designed to deliver controlled and precise freezing temperatures to the targeted area. This pen device allows our us to focus on the lesion without causing harm to surrounding healthy tissue. The treatment process involves applying the pen directly to the lesion, causing the affected cells to freeze and eventually fall off over time.


Benefits of Cryotherapy


Minimally Invasive 

Cryotherapy is a non-surgical procedure that requires no incisions, reducing the risk of infection and scarring.


Quick and Efficient 

The treatment is usually swift, with minimal discomfort, making it convenient for those with busy schedules.


Minimal Downtime

Most individuals can resume their regular activities shortly after the treatment, as the recovery period is generally brief.



The ShawScope pen device ensures accurate targeting of the lesion, minimising damage to healthy skin.



Cryotherapy can be used to address a variety of skin lesions, from small warts to larger moles.

The Cryotherapy Process



We always recommend a thorough consultation with your GP to ensure they are in agreement to trial cryotherapy for your skin lesion. We will not be able to treat moles without you gaining approval from your GP. We also require you to complete a consultation/quote prior to booking your appointment. This enables us to also ensure it's appropriate and so you know the cost of the treatment. 


The ShawScope pen device is used to freeze the lesion, causing it to gradually disintegrate over time.


Post-Treatment Care

Following the procedure, patients are advised on how to care for the treated area as it heals. We also like to receive weekly updates. We provide you with a QR code to scan each week to upload your photo. 



While cryotherapy is generally safe, it's essential to consider a few factors:

Skin Sensitivity

Individuals with extremely sensitive skin might experience some discomfort during and after the treatment.


Multiple Sessions 

Depending on the size and type of lesion, multiple sessions might be required to achieve optimal results.

Post-Treatment Changes

Skin treated with cryotherapy may undergo color changes or develop scabs as it heals.



Cryotherapy with ShawScope offers an innovative and effective solution for dealing with various skin lesions. With its precise and minimally invasive approach, this treatment is transforming the way we address unwanted skin imperfections. If you're considering cryotherapy, consult with our skilled professional at ShawScope to determine if this treatment is the right fit for you. Say goodbye to skin tags, moles, and warts, and embrace a smoother, blemish-free appearance with the power of cryotherapy.


Is Cryotherapy Suitable for Me?

Cryotherapy is a safe treatment suitable for people of all ages, skin types, and ethnic backgrounds. However, individuals with specific medical conditions should avoid cryotherapy. For more information on these contraindications, please refer to our dedicated page.

What to Expect After Cryotherapy Treatment

After undergoing a cryotherapy session, you might notice redness and slight swelling in the treated area. In the subsequent hours, the skin could darken and become slightly itchy or tender. About 3-4 days post-treatment, the treated skin lesion may darken further and develop a crust. Over the following weeks, the crusted area will naturally flake away, revealing new skin underneath. As this new skin emerges, it may appear pink or slightly lighter than your usual skin tone. Since this skin is still in the healing process, it's crucial to apply sunblock (SPF 50+) to sun-exposed areas like the face, neck, and hands until the skin returns to its normal tone and is fully healed.

When Will Results Become Visible?

The complete healing process typically spans 4-6 weeks, although smaller lesions might heal in under 4 weeks. The timeline varies among individuals, largely influenced by skin type and the specific nature of the treated skin lesion.

Applying sunblock (SPF 50+) to sun-exposed areas, such as the face, neck, and hands, is absolutely essential during the healing phase. This practice helps prevent hyperpigmentation (darkening of the skin) in the treated area and ensures optimal healing.

Possibility of Multiple Cryotherapy Sessions

Certain lesions, such as larger moles and skin tags, might require multiple cryotherapy treatments. More extensive warts and verrucae might necessitate four or more sessions. During your follow-up appointment with our specialist, the outcomes of your cryotherapy treatment will be evaluated to determine if further sessions are needed.

Cryotherapy for Skin Lesions in Intimate Areas

Our clinic provides discreet, specialised cryotherapy services for delicate skin lesions in intimate areas, including genital warts, anal skin tags, and pearly penile papules. All cryotherapy treatments are performed by our expert, Matt, and we encourage the presence of a chaperone to ensure your comfort. We understand that skin issues in intimate areas can lead to anxiety and body confidence concerns. Our comprehensive patient care, from consultation to aftercare, aims to support you through every step of the process. For any questions or concerns before or after treatment, please don't hesitate to reach out to us for guidance.

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